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Terms and Conditions


These terms of use apply to CasinoNieuws.nl and all underlying pages. Each time you visit CasinoNieuws.nl you automatically agree to these terms of use. CasinoNieuws.nl may amend these terms of use at any time, and the amended terms of use shall be effective immediately upon publication by us. We therefore recommend that you check the terms of use if you have any questions regarding your upcoming use of CasinoNieuws.nl.


We take great care with all news articles and information on CasinoNieuws.nl. However, errors may creep in and in exceptional cases information on CasinoNieuws.n may not be complete, accurate, or current. Nothing on the internet is fixed forever, so we may change articles or pages after publication. For news articles, we will always indicate if the crux of an article has changed. That way you will know immediately when we have fixed a mistake or added a comment.

CasinoNieuws.nl does not guarantee uninterrupted availability of the websites at all times. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and the website may be temporarily unavailable. We will do everything we can to fix this as soon as possible. At times when our website is down, we will provide updates via our X- channel @CasinoNieuws_nl.

The operation of CasinoNieuws.nl is optimized for all popular browsers and takes into account all users. From time to time, we may optimize or modify the technical features of our website. We accept no liability arising from the use of CasinoNieuws.nl or the information contained in our articles and pages, directly or indirectly. 

Access to and use of CasinoNieuws.nl

We have created CasinoNieuws.nl so that you can use it for private purposes. What we mean by that is that you can read it for entertainment or from personal interest. It is not our intention that you use CasinoNieuws.nl commercially. Gaining income (for example, by posting your own affiliate links in response to articles) is not allowed. We spend a lot of time and energy writing our articles, making our videos, and shooting our pictures (together all content on CasinoNieuws.nl). It is forbidden to reproduce this or any other content from CasinoNieuws.nl without permission.

Of course, it is not allowed to interfere with the normal operation of CasinoNieuws.nl. For example, we would not appreciate it if you flood CasinoNieuws.nl with illegitimate visitor traffic making it difficult for genuine visitors to reach our site. We will always report such cases to the police.

The following rules of conduct apply to CasinoNieuws.nl. In many cases, failure to comply with these rules of conduct is punishable by law in the Netherlands. The following are not allowed:

  • Infringing the intellectual property rights of CasinoNieuws.nl and its authors;
  • Preventing others from using CasinoNieuws.nl;
  • Distributing spam and viruses through CasinoNieuws.nl;
  • Posting malware, spyware, and intentionally misleading messages;
  • Willfully circumventing or obstructing the security of CasinoNieuws.nl;
  • Automatically taking over, searching, or indexing portions of our website. Search engines must comply with the robot.txt protocol.

In case of non-compliance with one or more of these rules of conduct, we reserve the right to deny you access to our websites by means of an account-level or ip-address-level ban.

Like any website, CasinoNieuws.nl contains links to websites outside our own domain. This is inherent to the Internet: a network of interconnected sites. If we link to a site, it does not automatically mean that we recommend that site or that we agree with the information contained therein.

Also, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and security of third-party sites. CasinoNieuws.nl therefore cannot be held responsible for third party websites and the information contained therein.

Intellectual property rights

All copyright, database rights, and other (intellectual) property rights in the content and design of the CasinoNieuws.nl websites are held exclusively by CasinoNieuws.nl and its licensors. CasinoNieuws.nl expressly reserves all rights in relation to the CasinoNieuws.nl websites. Without the prior written permission of CasinoNieuws.nl it is forbidden to copy, save, reuse, reproduce or publish any part or whole of the CasinoNieuws.nl websites in any way whatsoever, even if the source is acknowledged.

For news articles, a nuance to the above applies. As is customary with newspapers and news media, you are permitted to use information gathered from CasinoNieuws.com in your own reporting. Source acknowledgement from CasinoNieuws.nl with the direct link is then required. The new work must be original in nature. Verbatim copying of texts from news articles is not allowed. Verbatim copying of quotes is allowed only sparingly and must always be accompanied by an attribution to CasinoNieuws.nl.

Images and photographs of CasinoNieuws.nl may not be reproduced without written permission. CasinoNieuws.nl will in all cases attempt to obtain permission to use images. If we obtain it, it does not mean that we can give the same license to others or authorize third parties to use the image.

If you are of the opinion that CasinoNieuws.nl is making inappropriate use of licensed imagery or other material, please contact us via the contact page or email [email protected].

Creating an account

By registering on CasinoNieuws.nl you agree to:

  1. provide accurate, current, and complete information as requested upon registration;
  2. use a unique password;
  3. update this information immediately in the event of any changes.

After registration, you will receive an email from us asking for confirmation. Your login information (username and password) is personal. You are not allowed to share them with others.

Please choose a unique password for CasinoNieuws.com and do not reuse any password that you use for any other site or service. This not only applies to CasinoNieuws.nl, it is good practice to use a unique password for each service.

CasinoNieuws.nl may suspend your account if in our opinion you are not acting in accordance with the rules and conditions outlined in this user statement. You are not permitted to create a new account if a previous account has been banned. We may also impose a ban based on your ip address should abuse of CasinoNieuws.nl or its content comes to light.

Content posting rules of conduct

On CasinoNieuws.nl you can comment on articles. That way you can discuss the latest news from the world of casinos with other interested parties. There are some “ground rules” associated with this so that we keep a livable digital environment for everyone:

  • Be polite to your fellow users and refrain from swearing or using obscene language;
  • Persons and agencies discussed in the news articles to which you respond should be treated with respect. Keep in mind that they are reading along, and ask yourself whether your response would have been appropriate had they been sitting across from you;
  • Try to contribute constructively to a discussion, including arguments for your opinion;
  • Only responses in Dutch and English are allowed;
  • Discrimination, harassment and incitement to hatred or violence have no place on CasinoNieuws.nl. This will result in an immediate ban;
  • CasinoNieuws.nl is not the place to market your product or service. There is no place for advertising when commenting on news articles. If you are interested in advertising on CasinoNieuws.nl, please contact us at [email protected];
  • Posting private data of third parties is not allowed. Private data includes phone numbers, non-public email addresses, address information, and more;
  • As already mentioned under the heading ‘Intellectual property rights’, it is not allowed to infringe on the (intellectual property) rights of third parties. Thus, pieces of text that you did not write yourself, images for which you have not acquired rights, and more are not allowed;
  • Linking to other websites is only allowed if it makes an instrumental contribution to a discussion and is posted without commercial interest;
  • You are free to choose your avatar/profile image but please also keep the above rules in mind.

CasinoNieuws.nl makes every effort to have visitors’ comments follow the above rules. If we see that they conflict with the rules, we may delete comments and/or ban accounts. If you see something that you feel is not acceptable, please contact us. We cannot be held liable for reactions of third parties. We hold visitors themselves liable and stipulate that you as a commenter shall indemnify CasinoNieuws.nl and its affiliated companies against any third-party claims and consequential damages, fines and costs related to your comments and content.

By posting a comment on CasinoNieuws.nl you automatically grant CasinoNieuws.nl the perpetual right to further exploit part or all of your contribution. We are free to publish, store, and use it on other channels such as our social media and other communications. If you post third-party content on our website, you must have permission to do so and must have the right to transfer this permission to us. This is the case, for example, for images published under certain Creative Commons, but for many other media this does not apply. You are responsible for arranging this permission yourself.

Privacy and cookies

The privacy statement and cookie statement of CasinoNieuws.nl can be found in the footer of the CasinoNieuws.nl website. They are an integral part of this user statement and should be read carefully.

We collect data from our visitors in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like to know more about the storage of data by means of cookies by CasinoNieuws.nl, please read our privacy statement first and contact CasinoNieuws.nl with any questions.

Final clause

These Terms of Use and any disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of your CasinoNieuws.nl account shall be governed by Dutch law.

Last update: October 13th, 2023. Dutch version.

Frank Op de Woerd

Frank Op de Woerd

Hoofdredacteur CasinoNieuws.nl
Frank Op de Woerd is hoofdredacteur van CasinoNieuws.nl. Hij werkt sinds 2006 in de wereld van online kansspelen. Hij is een expert op het gebied van de Nederlandse kansspelwetgeving, landgebonden casino's, en poker.